Tuesday, 8 November 2011


Okay, firstly.... S'up!

I have setup this blog to keep track of my journey through my CCNP certification - it is going to be a long journey (3 exams!)

I plan to use the below as a rough guideline to achieve this for the exams involved;

642-902 ROUTE
  = 6 months
642-813 SWITCH = 4 months
642-832 TSHOOT = 4 months
CCNP = End of 2012/Beginning of 2013

I started studying/preparing for 642-902 yesterday, im currently using CBT nuggets CCNP series to help lay the foundations, which i will then move into Chris Bryants CCNP series (which i should acquire around xmas time ;0) to really "get this stuff down cold"

Im also going to start from scratch with my home lab, tear it down and start fresh *rubs hands* - CAN'T WAIT!

Tonight, I will be completing the introduction nuggets on the CBT series and hopefully by the end of the week, start labbing and routing :0)

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