Thursday, 20 June 2013

Exam is due next friday ..... 28th June!!!!
been cramming lots and some labbing, along with looking over the demo TSHOOT sim on the cisco site.

Monday, 3 June 2013

Intro To Voice TShooting

jitter, packet loss, voice vlan, delay, 802.1p, pvid, tos, cos, tagged, cdp, best effort, grs, rate service, intserv, rsvp, qos, marking, classification, precedence value, forwarding, network control, trust boundary

Intro To Wireless T-Shooting

lwapp, hotspots, ssid, ess, wlan, probe request, roaming, active, passive, cells, 802.11, wpa, psk, multipath, diversity attennas, yagi, omni,