Wednesday, 4 July 2012

TrainSignal Chapter 8, Lecture 6 - Final Vid, IPv6 Transitioning....

TrainSignal Chapter 8, Lecture 5 - OSPFv3 Lab From Scratch on R2

Most of the commands/topics and configs are in the workbook, so here are the highpoints of the config and things to remember;

Notice the [TEN] here on the link-local .... this will change once the interface is up and ND has had a chance to run DAD (Duplication Address Detection) :

Now we have a Global address and the link-local is not showing as [TEN]

And here is the reminder about configuring an IPV4 Address for the RID:

So lets do that;

TrainSignal Chapter 8, Lecture 4 - OSPFv3 Lab Commands

Below is the important parts of some of the config:

Becuase this router has no IPv4 addresess, we need to specify one for the RID!

This is a good one! you run show ip route and see no routes!!!! thats because we now need to run show ipv6 route;

One of the other routers config: