Thursday, 7 June 2012

TrainSignal Chapter 5, Lecture 2 - Redistribution and Stub Area Config

The Lab Setup:

Router5's config:

Lets Check R1 and see what the big picture is here:

R1's routing table:

Lets check we have connectivity with them RIP routes (loopbacks on R5)

Lets see what R3 see's
 Naturally he does not see any of the RIP routes as he is not running RIP and we have not configured any re-distribution ......yet

R5 see's ... well nothing lol, so lets gets some RIP on!


Lets double check we can actually ping these RIP routes (as remember if we had not redistributed the CONNECTED networks the next hop would not be valid and the pings would fail)

Sorted, and we can even ping the ethernet segement on R4 (the furthest route from ourselfs) :0)
Lets check what R4 now see's:

Ah so notice the "OSPF External Routes" which are the re-distributed RIP routes and the DEFAULT SEED METRIC OF 20! - for RIP we had to specify a SEED METRIC

and yup, we can ping em:

 We lost the adjacency, if we run a debug we can see the stub bit set is not agreeing with all OSPF routers...

Now the adjacency comes back up :0)

Area 34 is now a stub Area:

With that simple config, the size of the routing table has been halfed, the E2 routes have been replaced with a single default route...

Next lets try and sort out them IA routes as they all still have the same next hop address ;0)


Rebooked exam for 31st July (was booked for 28th June) but iv fallen off track with bla bla bla excuses here .... so, time to get back on the coffee fuelled cisco train and full speed ahead with ROUTE