Friday, 12 October 2012

12 - Redundancy in the Campus - HSRP, VRRP, and GLBP 1

However you can tweak the timers to be just as good as VRRP, so the only thing against it is the fact it is only for cisco.

So first, lets jump on switch A (70.2)

Switch A
inter vlan 70
standby 1 ip
standby 1 priority 150  (default 100, HIGHER is better!)..otherwise relies on IP to break tie

Switch C
inter vlan 70
standby 1 ip

Lets jump on the client/host
and we can now ping :0)
also if we telnet to 70.1 we land on SwitchA - just as you would expect what with the higher priority (its ACTIVE)

lets test it out, lets pull out the uplink between the switches,

Ah, so HRSP kicked in, lets check the switch, if we now telnet to the VIP address, we land on Switch C

BUT, notice if we patch Switch A back in, Switch C is STILL the active switch, even though Switch A has the higher priority ... its kinda a 1 deal fail over really, when Switch C fails it will then failover to Switch A

We can tweak HRSP with these commands:

Priority we know, however with preempt we can fix the issue above:

Switch A

inter vlan 70
standby 1 preempt

This will overthrow the lower priority Switch straightaway, once the command is entered.

Tracking is configured with Preempt, they go hand in hand as when it detects the interface has gone down it will then decrement its priority, it then needs the preempt feature to then over throw the current Switch

Lets setup the above:

has priority of 150 and will decrement 60 to 90 if the interface goes down, therefore allowing Switch C to be ACTIVE

Switch C
inter vlan 70
standby 1 preempt

Switch A
inter vlan 70
standby 1 track fas 0/23 60

Right lets ull the uplink:

WOW! no loss! lets check at SWITCH C is ACTIVE

Notice the STANDBY router has a priority of 90! as it took 60 off for the interface going down because of the tracker

We can also tweak it with Delay:

Lets tune them timers! notice we can get tweak this to be the same as VRRP, BUT why do that when we can get into milli-seconds!!!

Now we can re-converge faster than 1 second!!! might just want to keep an eye on processor cycle on both the switches (so there will be interrupts to the processor for that)