TrainSignal Chapter 5, Lecture 3 - Total Stub Areas and NSSA
Just alittle quick extra carry over thang, from the last lab, notice the default route we have for Area34 has a cost of 11, 10 being the cost of the ethernet segment and 1 the default for the default route, well you can change that my friends:
So we should now see a cost of 30, 10 for the ethernet segment and the default cost of 20 that we specified above:
yeah boi! that works a treat, right ... lets get to work:
Lets jump on R3 and make area 34 a totally stub area (we dont need it on R4)
The no-summary option added to the ABR of the stub area will make this a total stub area, which prevents LSA types 3,4 and 5 flooding into the area.
The ABR is the only router that needs the no-summary option enabled. no-summary doesnt have to be added to the other routers in the area but they still have to be configured as a stub.
awesome, check out that routing table now, lets test connectivity to them loopbacks etc:
all good still :0)
The stub bit flag ahas to match for the adjacency to form/stay up, so it is fine to have one end configured as a stub and one a total stub as the bit is set, HOWEVER if the routers in the area all did not agree on this then we would have problems.
HINT: you need to fully remove the stub configuration not just the stub area no summary!
pretty kool huh, but krazy name "not-so-stubby total stub" - not as common as the other stubs though, but they are out there!