Tuesday, 28 May 2013

IPV6 Video 1 Fundamentals And Compression

ipv6, 128bit, nat, mobile ip, route aggregation , qos, address format, zero compression, leading zero compression, unicast, anycast, global unicast address, range, global address, link local, ipv4 compatible, reserved ipv6, loopback, unspecified address, ::1, ::/128, ::/0

IPV6 Video 2 Conversions

hexadecimal, multicast, anycast, stateful autoconfiguration, stateless, dhcpv6, dad, ns, rs, ipv6 unicast routing, enable ipv6 routing

IPV6 Video 3 OSPF Lab

Lets check our R1 neighbours .. and get use to the ipv6 commands!

config for R1:

verification on R1:

Lets check the neighbour on the other side of R1 ...

config of R6:


maker sure you configre that ospfv3 ipv6 RID,

feature set issues 

ospfv3, ipv6, unicast routing

IPV6 Video 4 Translations

Most commonly, you will see 6-4 tunneling in networks along with some dual stack being another good solution, but there is a form of NAT out there, but generally in the field it sounds like its all about the tunnels :0)

ipv6, 6to4 tunnel, 6-4,ipv6ip, transition, islands, dual stack

IPV6 Video 5 NAT

nat, static, dynamic, 1to1, mapping, statful, translation, routable, pat, port, ip nat inside outside,natpool, overloading,